Welcome to our Somerset Days website!

If you went to Somerset Elementary some 50+ years ago get ready to have some fun! Our new website will make it much easier to say hello and see what shenanigans everyone has been up to (Mrs. Slover would not appreciate me ending a sentence with a preposition, but what the heck). We have category topics where you can tell us what you've been doing the past 50 years - upload photos - reminisce about the good ole' days and let us know what the good, bad or bizarre things that have happened to you over the years. I'd like to give a big "Thank You" to Jon Adland and others for playing Columbo and getting in touch with everyone and making his email list possible. Without their tremendous efforts I would not have been able to make this website.

Your first STEP on SomersetDays is to click the Register button below. Here you will choose a username and password - add your email contact so others can easily reach you, and give a brief description of what you've been doing (You can add a longer description in the "My 50 Years" category). Your username should include your first name and maybe even your last (as it was in elementary) so everyone knows who you are when posting or commenting. Every time you return to "somersetdays.com" just click the Login button at top right to enter. Upon doing that, you will bypass the blue intro text and immediately see the latest posts. At the top of each page you'll see a menu with links to "Home" (taking you back to this page with the main index) - "Search" (to look for whatever person or topic you wish) and "Member List" (a list of everyone in the group). If you click someone's name in the Member List page you will see some of their basic info, current city and contact button to shoot them off a quick message. There is also a link for - "Calendar" (for future events) - and a "Posts" link to view your posts - new posts - or today's posts. The most recent posts will appear on this home page automatically.

Below you'll see the different group categories I'm setting up to organize things a little better. The first category "My 50 Years" is where you can summarize what you've been up to if you'd like... - fill us in on past education, accomplishments, jobs, family and more important things like how many speeding tickets. Other categories are "Remember when..." (to stir up a few memories) - "Recent Events" (for things new in your life) - "School Photos" (any school related photos) - "What a Bummer" (for not-so-good things that happened - and other photo sections for pics after Somerset (I want to see those wedding pictures folks (and divorce pictures if you gotta a few of those lying around :).

While the basic functionality of the website appears to be working, we are still working on the email/chat software. Soon we will be able to have small or large group chats. But the first thing for you to do now is to complete your registration which will allow you to access and post content. f you see a problem or have a suggestion please shoot me off an email at [email protected] Anyway, if you'd rather not get into details in the past 50 years section, at least give us a little basic info from the registration page. Thanks and can't wait to hear from everyone! This is gonna be fun!

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ohayoyo, welcome to Somerset Days Forums!

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