My 50 years - sunshine in Arizona

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I got my undergraduate degree in math before returning to DC for law school.  Retired in 2015 after a rewarding career in international law, traveling all over Europe, Asia, Central and South America, the Middle East, Australia, you name it, even Myanmar and Cuba.  The last ten years were focused on sanctions, working closely with the U.S. State, Commerce and Defense Depts.  Helped negotiate “the Iran nuclear deal,” draft Russia sanctions, and develop a legal export regime in Ukraine just a few months before the Russian invasion.  Had to choose between visiting Chernobyl or driving a Russian tank.  (I chose Chernobyl.) 

I’m enjoying retirement in sunny Arizona, where I play pickleball and the piano almost daily.  Although my PE skills at Somerset were nonexistent, I started running in my 40’s and won a raquetball tournament.  Our house has become a local community hangout, with two pickleball courts, a bocce court, a ping pong room, and two outdoor fireplaces.

I’m a volunteer pianist at the Mayo Hospital, playing in the lobby every Wednesday. Other days, I play chamber music with other classical musicians, performing in a variety of venues.  I plan to be back in Maryland in mid-October; I see several other musicians from our Somerset days.  Please let me know if you’d like to get together for some informal music making, perhaps even just  sight reading.  

On the downside, my only child is paranoid schizophrenic and bi-polar.  She exists in her own reality.  She chooses to live on the streets, even though I bought her a very nice house.  I’m her legal guardian and I haven’t given up, but keeping her alive can be a full time job.

I’ll end this ramble by noting that, as much as I love living in Arizona, I miss the politics of Montgomery County MD.  I spend much of the summer up north in Prescott AZ where we actually have “flat earthers.”  Yup, for real.

If anyone gets out this way, please feel free to stop by.  My husband and I welcome visitors to our guest house and we offer free pickleball lessons!
What a fabulous life you have lived. I would love to see you when you come to the area in October. Let's see if some of the other locals can join. I have attended a concert in which Matt Gillman played the violin
and it was wonderful. My only musical talent is being a fan.
Take care, Anne

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